It began as a love story: Gustav Weindorfer, an Austrian-born expat, spent his honeymoon in 1902 together with his new wife Kate camping on the summit of Mt. Roland. He was so overwhelmed with the natural beauty of Tasmania’s primeval rainforests and gargantuan ferns that he made it his life goal to protect the pristine bit of land. In 1922, the region was declared a national park, with his Waldheim guesthouse (from which the spa is named) as the inspiration for the yet-to-be-built lodge. Right on the border to Cradle Mountain—Lake St. Clair National Park, the lodge is ideally situated for exploring the enchanting landscapes with diverse flora and fauna—like the wombat and Tasmanian devil—the latter of which is exclusive to the island. Whether in a private cabin with lake views, or in one of the decadent suites of the main lodge, fireplaces and handmade Tasmanian-wood furniture provide the perfect level of comfort.